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russian OS/2 apps?

The concept of
OS/2 development

Multimedia: audio - Audio players and codecs for eComStation

ReFormat utility aimed to format USB flashdisks and USB HDD, and make compatible with OS/2

There is no viruses or trojans in eComStation. 0 viruses. No need to spend hours to fight with wind mills

For developer:
SQLite library is available in every eComStation now (eCo Software runtime)

(Пайпы программ)

REXX: To process achive files (zip, rar, 7z) - use eZip library (Zippy)

Changes of eComStation user interface - history


(DRAFT) How to accelerate boot of eComStation?

(Барьеры и решения)

SQLite library is available in every OS/2 now (eCo Software runtime)

(Применение в науке, лаборатории, ..)


Multi-media center based on OS/2 (russian text)

New eComStation:
eComStation 2.2: Activation of widescreen modes is integrated to the video driver (Intel and ATI/AMD)

eComStation, comme il faut (let's describe perfect eCS)

(Ссылки на другие сайты)

(Картинка дня)

OS/2 artefacts:
Lotus SmartSuite for IBM OS/2 Warp

Lotus SmartSuite for IBM OS/2 Warp

Panorama logo 


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Panorama is an alternative modern video driver for eComStation and OS/2.

The goals of Panorama project:

  • Create accelerated VESA video driver
  • Create accelereated video driver for the most popular video adapter, maintaine it, upgrade it
  • Create more video overlays
  • Create tools for widescreen activation
  • Collect knowledge for developers of multimedia applications

Currently we have collected:

Panorama VESA
video driver
Supports all video-adapters (VBE 2.0 compatible). Panorama VESA is recommended for:
  • ATI Radeon X1300 (R500 family) and above
  • Intel X3000 and above
  • NVidia GeForce 6200/6600 and above

* View list of tested videoadapters
* Compatibility with monitors

Panorama ATI R200
video driver
Supported video adapters:
  • ATI R100: ATI Radeon 7000, 7200, 7500, Mobility Radeon 7000, 7500
  • ATI R200: ATI Radeon 8500, 8500DV, 8500LE, 9000, 9100, 9100IGP, 9200, 9200SE, 9250, Mobility Radeon 9000, 9200, 9250
    View list of supported videoadapters
WarpOverlay! video overlay Allows watch fullscreen Movies and TV

Why use overlay? Improves quality of picture, doesn't load CPU.

Supported video adapters:

Notes: Doesn't work with Panorama VESA

Panorama Widescreen activator This driver modifies tables in VESA bios to support widescreen modes. It supports adapters with ATI ATOM and Intel BIOS.

Supported video adapters:

Scitech SNAP List of adapters supported by SNAP



Click to enlarge

Panorama WPS Setup
Easy setup, many settings.

[x] Enable shadow buffer
to get maximal performance


For dummies
How to organize the collection of movies / audio-tracks / photos

Report: OS/2 compatible hardware


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