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Sibyl Mailing list Achive moved

2001-12-01 11:42:28 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Erik Huelsmann]

The Mailinglist archive for the Sibyl (=Delphi clone) OS/2 Rapid Application Development application has moved to new location. As the list seems to have gone down - losing all subscribers -, I am looking for people who are interested in starting up a new mailinglist for this app.

The Russian Electronic Developer Magazine

2001-11-15 22:02:14 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [Glassman]

Russian users can access the magazine here.

DB2 UDB Programming Fastpath Course (CT10)

2001-10-29 17:54:45 -- Igor Vanin [#os2russian, GlassMan]

Are you an experienced relational database programmer who'd like to know DB2? This course will answer your needs.
URL: http://www-4.ibm.com/software/data/db2/ct10crs/.

AOL protocol and source code

2001-10-23 20:28:47 -- Igor Vanin [VOICENWS, Jason Stefanovich]

OSS AOLers have been working hard to figure out AOL's proprietary protocol for their online service and popular AIM messenger.

This document "The AOL Protocol" gives in depth information on the login and handshaking between the AOL client and servers: http://www.aol-files.com/misc/theaolprotocol.wri.

Also visual basic source code and more at: http://www.aol-files.com under 'AOL Protocol and Sign on and IM example'.

Finally a nearly full, but unofficial specification for the AIM protocol at "FAIM": http://www.zigamorph.net/faim/protocol/.

Great information for anyone who might think about implementing either of these very popular services under OS/2.

Devlopment of XFree 4.1 for OS/2

2001-10-23 20:11:11 -- Igor Vanin [#os2russian, Stauff]

Stauff invites you to develop (not test) XFree for OS/2. You will get all tools. You must have experience in EMX/C.

Contact Stauff: pfomiche@w-trade.spb.ru.

Golden Code Trace Suite now available

2001-10-19 20:03:41 -- Igor Vanin [VOICENWS, Eric Faulhaber]

Golden Code Development announces two new products for the OS/2 market: Kernel Trace for OS/2 and Trace Analyzer for Java.

This rounds out the company's suite of tracing software products, which also includes Network Trace for OS/2.

URL: http://www.goldencode.com.

Jikes (1.15) for OS/2 with unicode.

2001-10-15 02:51:58 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [VOICENWS, Timo Maier]

Native Java compiler


2001-10-02 16:01:39 -- Igor Vanin [Yuri Prokushev]

This message is for russian visitors only.

Portando ferramentas multi-plataforma para o Psion

2001-10-01 21:28:17 -- Igor Vanin [VOICENWS, Andrei A. Porodko]

Como foi dito - o OS/2 И uma boa plataforma de desenvolvimento e tambИm И boa como multi-plataforma. Se alguИm estiver interessado(a) em portar ferramentas de desenvolvimento multi-plataformapara o Psion, entre em contacto. Ou entЦo alguИm jА o fez?

Watcom C/Fortran 11.0c officially announced

2001-10-01 13:32:27 -- Igor Vanin [VOICENWS, Michal Necasek]

Just in case anyone is interested, Watcom C/C++ 11.0c and Fortran 11.0c patch has been officially announced. Visit http://www.openwatcom.org for more info.

Lanc,amento do GCC 3.0 (beta 3)

2001-09-25 15:10:30 -- Eugene Gorbunoff [www.ecomstation.ru, Stauff]

A versao do compilador GCC para OS/2 esta' disponivel para download.
URL: ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/incoming/.

Watcom 11c prebeta

2001-09-21 02:50:37 -- Igor Vanin [os2.org, Leonardo Pino]

Este patch paea instalac,oes antigas talvez funcione como um produto completo.

URL: ftp://ftp.openwatcom.org/watcom/watcom-c-11.0c-b1.exe.

O arquivo e' um instalador Win32 mas funciona bem com o ODIN.Para usa-lo, voce deve configurar as variaveis de ambiente como descrito no arquivo readme. Este compilador para ser usavel, precisa que o OS/2 toolkit tambem esteja instalado, mas o ultimo vem com o eCS, ACP e MCP. Ele e' util para os desenvolvedores que trabalham com device drivers , porque a maioria das mesmas foi escrita com este compilador. Muito obrigado ao pessoal da Scitech pelo lanc,amento.

Watcom C and Fortran updates

2001-09-18 20:28:55 -- Igor Vanin [www.os2.ru]

Scitech published Watcom C++ and Fortran v.11c updates. You are able to download updates from ftp: ftp://ftp.scitechsoft.com/watcom/.

GNAT 3.13 for OS/2

2001-09-18 20:03:45 -- Igor Vanin [VOICENWS, Christian Hennecke]

David Parsons has compiled GNAT 3.13 for OS/2. GNAT is the free GNU Ada 95 Translator and extends the gcc compiler so you can use it to compile programs written in Ada 95.

Ada 95 is an object oriented language with an easy-to-read syntax reminding of Pascal and Modula. It is known to be effective, easy to maintain and to provide good debugging facilities.

The package can be found at ftp://unixos2.org/incoming/gnat-3.13p-os2-bin-20010916.zip and will eventually be moved to ftp://unixos2.org/pub/os2/dev/emx+gcc/gnat/gnat-3.13p-os2-bin-20010916.zip.

Planos da IBM para o Java

2001-09-18 19:57:08 -- Igor Vanin [VOICENWS, Paulo Dias]

Encontrei o seguinte nas p?ginas da ibm developers http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/other/portingplans.html:

>"Os nossos planos para o IBM Java 1.3.1 abrange uma rede extensa de plataformas (AIX, PowerPC 32-bit and 64-bit; zOS; AS/400; Windows 32-bit and 64-bit; Linux on 32-bit and 64-bit Intel architecture, and on 32-bit zSeries)com entrega prevista para o 4 trimestre de 2001. A nossa implementac,ao do 1.3.1 incluira o JIT compiler e a tecnologia de garbage colector.

Note que, como regra geral, iremos distanciar-nos da politica de downloads de JDK individuais de agora em diante. Ao inves, a nossa enfase sera a de integrar a ultima palavra em tecnologia JAVA disponivel nos produtos do IBm como por exemplo, o websphere. No caso do Linux, a distribuic,ao vira em varios sabores das distribuic,oes linux.

Planejamos que o Java 1.4 esteja disponivel para as plataformas citadas, seis meses depois do lanc.amento oficial pela SUN. Voce pode esperar lanc,amentos para as nossas plataformas a partir do 2 trimestre de 2002."

Alguem pode verificar se o OS/2 esta incluso nesses lanc,amentos?

Novo artigo para desenvolvedores em www.os2.ru

2001-09-15 18:59:05 -- Igor Vanin [www.os2.ru]

Sergey Yevtushenko compartilha a sua experiencia relativo ao uso de excepc,oes.
URL: http://os2.ru/articles/dev/prog/sysprog/es_excpts.phtml.ru (edic,ao russa).

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